
Currency:  Euro €

Official Language(s):  Italian

Current leader:  Sergio Mattarella (2015-)

My birthday is in February and I always try to do something special for myself for the occasion. Back in 2006, that something special was spending my birth-month in Italy.  I started Zurich [which, yes, I know is in Switzerland], took the train to Milan, and made my way throughout Italy.  Yes, it was February. Yes, the Alps were chilly.  I saw snow.  By the end of the month, I was in wild and chaotic south– eating Naples-made pizza and drinking red wine.  Sometimes it seems like a lifetime ago that I made that trip; other times it seems as if it were yesterday

  • Often times, I am a ‘on a whim’  kind of traveler.  Such was the case when I decided to go to Italy for the winter Olympic, my birthday, gelato, and all the red wine I could handle.
  • 2006 Winter Olympics.  I am an Olympics junkie; winter or summer, it matters not.  Torino was one of the first stops on my Italian tour.
  • Gaining perspective in Cinque Terre
  • A castle, conspiracy, and love story
  • Cat Sanctuary:  Rome

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