It was nearly 18 months since the time I first submitted a Peace Corps application until I got on the plane to Philadelphia for staging.
November 2016: I officially decide to submit a peace corps application nearly 20 years after hearing about the program for the first time Did something happen around this to make me seriously consider this? Perhaps? My application was immediately selected as ‘under consideration’ for Peace Corps | Lesotho for Healthy Youth. Not overly excited but decide if selected, I would go.
January 4, 2017: Peace Corps interview. Quite possibly the worst interview ever. I interview at home via web cam in scubs after 24 hours of being on call/work. I was barely coherent and only remember that the interview lasted 45 minutes when I was told it would most likely last 90. Probably not a good sign.
March 1, 2017 : I was notified that I was no longer under consideration for Peace Corps | Lesotho for failure to receive recommendations on time. I was not surprised based on the atrocious interview and one missing recommendation. Found out one of recommendation writers never received the form. Begin new application for Peace Corps, and submit with an updated resume, and different recommendation writers. Hit ‘submit’.
March 8, 2017: Once again, I am placed ‘under consideration’. This time for Peace Corps | Madagascar–Community Health. I am much more excited about this opportunity. Talk to recruiter by phone and says interviews won’t start until the application cycle ends… so July 1st would be the earliest opportunity. Tell my recommendation writers not to expect anything until then.
May 4, 2017: Recruiter was wrong. Interviewed for PC | Madagascar. Interview went much better than the last time lasting almost 1.5 hours. Feel much better about my chances, but realize the know by date is September 1, 2017. So I’m still not getting my hopes up.
May-July, 2017: Check my email about once a week [usually on Saturday night while I am at work] as to not miss anything and to not be obsessive. And to preserve my sanity.
July 27, 2017: Receive invitation. Almost miss it due to the ‘checking email once a week’ strategy.
July 29, 2017: Formally accept invitation.
August 2, 2017: Received a bunch of tasks to complete with a deadline of September 30, 2017 5:52pm.
August 4, 2017: Get fingerprints and mail off fingerprint card for legal clearance.
August 4, 2017: Make dental and medical appointments for later in August.
August 5, 2017: Get passport photos and fill out requisitions for Peace Corps Government Passport and Madagascar visa
August 9, 2017: Received notification fingerprints have arrived and the FBI is opening a file on me.
August 24, 2017: Dental visit…Teeth are in good condition.
August 29, 2017: Medical Exam. Body in good condition
September 15, 2017: Have special lab drawn that could not be drawn
October 6, 2017: Finish my last activity for my Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing. Graduation isn’t until December, but I’m not attending.
October 2017: On going saga with med office about a missing lab. Frequent communication with PC med office about missing lab. Deadlines extended for lab.
November 6, 2017: Received final medical and dental clearance so as long as nothing happens between now and then, I’m in the clear.
December 29, 2017: Receive final legal clearance
December 30, 2017: Receive more ‘tasks’ in a new portal. Paperwork very similar to starting a new job with banking info required, emergency contacts, press release info, ect.