Chapter 1: Dear Reader

Dear Reader:

Hi. My name is Eliza Marie Montgomery, and this is my story. It’s been said that one’s co-workers determine job satisfaction. Especially in healthcare. To some degree, I believe that’s true. After all, these are the people I spend the most waking time around. And even not on a 12 hour shift, these are the people that can still make your day ‘good’ or ‘bad’.

Co-workers can become friends over time. After all, who else can you trauma bond with during a traumatic shift. Who else can literally save your life during a violent patient encounter? Co-workers can also become more than friends. After all, as a single person, where else are you going to find someone to date? While it seems good in theory, this is almost always a bad idea. It’s hard to maintain a collegial relationship with someone who has seen you naked. There’s always a little bit of truth to shows like Grey’s Anatomy. The Night Shift is my story and these are my people. Some I like better that others.

Cast of Characters

  • Gus–> a grizzled old veteran, the boss, just trying to make it to retirement
  • Mitzi–> ditzy, blonde, know-it-all, tries to make my life hell. I try to avoid her
  • Lloyd–>30+ years on the job; knows how to do everything
  • Ike–>another old timer; night shift, sleeps most of the shift
  • Sandy–>does yoga when she thinks no one is around; also night shift
  • Dr. Chris–>physician, hospitalist, the nicest and most approachable of the hosptialists
  • Dr Greg–> ER physician, knows his stuff, no nonsense, hilarious
  • Nurse Liz–>my favorite ER nurse
  • Kate–>my classmate and friend, has the same job as me starting out but at the larger intuition

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Additional characters occurring later

  • Nurse DJ–>fun, knowledgable, RN, around my age
  • Justin–>I dated a hockey player; it was fun for a minute, but Canada, in winter–no thank you
  • Nurse Margaret–>the human embodiment of the energizer bunny, fund of knowledge only gained by being a RN for >50 years
  • Charlotte–> another BFF at the institution
  • Christy–>my partner in crime at the institution
  • Nurse Maria–>my nurse BFF at the. latest institution
  • Jeremy–>a mid-level manager type at the large institution. I dated him; it went badly
  • James–> my restaurant boss; I dated him too. You can imagine how that went
  • Jeff–>You’d think I’d learn that dating co-worker is the worst idea ever.
  • Taylor–> my co-resident. I guess you can probably figure out what happened there.