Chapter 28: Unemployed Boyfriend
Chris and I were hanging out at the house and the conversation turned to the future. As it does after dating someone for 2-ish years. So far the biggest hang-up in our relationship is the living apart thing. We are close enough to visit regularly and both have alternative schedules that allow for long blocks of time off instead of just being in a weekend relationship.
“Do you want me to move in with you”
I feel the color drain out of my face. A thousand questions rushed through my mind. What does this mean? I mean we had talked about moving to the same city, but nothing serious. And definitely not about moving in together.
Chris noticed that I suddenly went mute.
“It’s not like I’d be your unemployed boyfriend or anything. I’d get a job. I mean first I’d have to get a license, but after that, definitely a job”
“Where’s this coming from?” I asked Chris because we had never even mentioned moving in together.
“well, your lease in up in about 3 months, correct?” I nodded in the affirm. “You are going to have to move, correct?” Another nod. “So why not us move somewhere together.”
Why not indeed?
Perhaps before Chris uproots his life and moves states for me I should tell him I’ve been accepted to medical school.
Everclear: Unemployed Boyfriend